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Featured Actor Nom!


"Boughton entered this politi-comedy like a clichéd sitcom nemesis – Slicked-back hair! Pin-striped suit! TV cred! – yet crafted a confident, empathetic, unexpectedly well-meaning pro without losing an iota of reptilian charisma..."

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"Boughton as Arthur Vance is the closest the tale gets to a dark force – he’s a symbolic devil, in a black pinstripe suit and goatee, gleefully pulling the strings of his political puppets..."


"Free the Airwaves" 

makes Local News!

Radiotheatre NYC presents The Edgar Allen Poe Festival in the Village Live Recordings!

May 12, 2016

Live Performance recordings from Radiotheatre NYC! I am featured in lead and character roles in the Poe Fest & Fright Night recordings as well as playing the Mad Doctor himself in Frankenstein! 

Release of NYC Jazz Singer Diane Armesto Music Video - I'll Be Home

December 25, 2015

Release of NYC Jazz Singer Diane Armesto Music Video - I'll Be Home

Review of Boeing Boeing

August 15, 2015

"Boughton is suave and debonair in the role and has a splendid meltdown when his plan begins to unravel, hopping around the stage like a 3-year-old yearning for a restroom."

Interview and article from Quad City Times

July 15, 2015

Personal Interview and chat with David Burke about my Acting career and history of Boeing Boeing

NY Times Review of Moose Murders

January 15, 2013

Scathing Review from The Times and keeping with the Moose Murders Tradition! 

Moose Murders Revival in NYC!

January 15, 2013

Interview with Director Steven Carl McCasland about bringing Arthur Bicknell's Moose Murders back to life!

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